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Compliments and complaints

At Prince Bishops Community Primary School, all staff work very hard to meet the needs of our children and their families.

Compliments are always gratefully received and can be passed on either directly to staff and the SENCO, or formally recorded via our questionnaires to parents or in the form of a letter to the Head Teacher or Deputy Headteacher.  These positive comments may be published on this area of our school website.
Any complaints will be dealt with as quickly and efficiently as possible.  These concerns are either sorted out informally, often as a result of discussions, or become formal complaints. The period of consideration will vary with the gravity and complexity of the complaint and the urgency with which it needs to be settled.
Further information can be found in our School Complaints policy which is available from the school on request.
If you have any questions about our SEND Local Offer please contact the school and we will try our best to help you.


Mrs. George - Headteacher -01388 451 278 -

Mrs. Patchett – Deputy Headteacher and SENCo -01388 451 278 -

Mrs. Lee – SEND Governor - (F.A.O SEND Governor)

Contact the school
