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Every term, teachers will send you information about what the children in their class will be learning. This can help you discuss school with your child and may give you some ideas about some interesting things to do at home. We regularly host information sessions and workshops for parents/carers to find out more about our curriculum. We will let you know when these sessions are via the newsletter, text and the website.


Please do check out what your child has been up to by visiting their class page.


In the meantime, if you need any information that is not covered on the website, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. If you are a parent/carer, the best way to get more information, is to speak directly to your child's class teacher. They will be very happy to help. If you do not currently have a child in the school, please contact Mrs. George (Headteacher) or Mrs. C. Patchett (Deputy Headteacher). If it is appropriate, they may ask a subject leader to speak to you or provide you with the information you need. They are:


English (including reading)Miss N. Richardson 
MathematicsMrs. C. Patchett 
ScienceMrs. K. Cope and Mr. G. Mounsden
Art and DesignMrs. T. Freeman
Computing and PEMr. A. Randall 
MusicMrs. F. Ward 
GeographyMrs. C. Patchett 
HistoryMiss Richardson
Religious EducationMrs. C. MacKay 
LanguagesMrs. R. Myers 
Design and TechnologyMrs. T. Freeman 
Personal, Social and Health EducationMrs. L. George


The contact details can be found here: Contact Us
