Reception to Year 6
Admissions into Reception and mid year transfers from another school are administered by Durham County Council. Please click on the link below to find information about how to apply for a place.
Durham County Council Primary School Places
The admissions criteria and definitions of terms can also be found via the link. However, here is a summary:
If more children want a place than there are places available, we will offer places according to the following criteria, strictly in order of priority:
Admissions into our Nursery are administered by the school. We admit children into Nursery the term after their third birthday. However, if your child is eligible, they may be able to join us the term after their second birthday.
From September 2017, working parents of 3 and 4 year olds will be able to access 30 hours of free childcare per week depending on their circumstances.
To find out if your child is eligible to start nursery early or if they are eligible for 30 hours free child care, please contact the school or click on the link below:
If you are not eligible, you may be able to pay for your child to join us earlier or for more than their 15 hours free entitlement. Please contact the school if you require further details.
If more children want a place than there are places available, we will offer places according to the following criteria, strictly in order of priority:
1. Children In Need
The Children Act 1989 defines a child 'in need' as:
a) He/she is unlikely to achieve or maintain, or to have the opportunity of achieving or maintaining, a reasonable standard of health or development without the provision of services by the Local Authority under Part 3 of the Act.
b) His/her health or development is likely to be significantly impaired, or further impaired, without the provision for him/her of such services.
c) He/she is disabled. In addition, Durham County Council has determined that children of families where English is not the main language of the family will be considered under this criterion.
A maximum of two part-time nursery places are retained until the end of the Autumn half term in order to accommodate emergency referrals of children "in need" as defined in the requirements of the Children Act, 1989.
2. Children Transferring from One Nursery Setting to Another
Once a child has begun attending a particular nursery school/unit, it is usually in the child's best interest to remain at that nursery school/unit until transfer to the next phase of their education. However, where parents move house, for example, it may be impractical to remain at the same setting.
There may also be other exceptional reasons as to why a transfer from one Maintained Nursery School or Unit to another would be appropriate, but this would be rare and subject to the agreement of the school following guidance from the Local Authority. Where possible nursery schools/units will aim to provide for children who have already started Early Years Provision.
3. The Two Year Old Free Entitlement
Where a child has been accessing the free entitlement for 2 year olds in daycare that is directly associated with a maintained nursery school or unit, for a minimum of 15 hours per week for two terms immediately prior to the child becoming eligible for free entitlement, they shall receive priority for admission to that maintained nursery school or unit in order to preserve continuity, providing that they also live within County Durham's administrative area.
4. Age
The offer of a place will be prioritised according to date of birth. Normally, the earliest date your child can be accepted for Early Years Provision is at the age of 3, although some 2 year olds can access the free entitlement. Where applicants have the same date of birth, priority will be given to the earliest date of application.
5. Children Living in Other Authorities
Although there are no catchment areas for places, preference will be given to children whose parents live within County Durham's administrative area. Only when all children living within the boundary of County Durham have been allocated a place, may a child living in a neighbouring area be offered a place.