The school building is open from 7.30am to 5.30pm daily. This is 52.5 hours per week. The following information will tell you what time your child should arrive and be collected, depending their age and activities they access.
Morning session starts at 8.45am and ends at 11.45am
Afternoon Session starts at 12.30pm and ends at 3.30pm
Please enter and collect from the main Nursery doors.
Reception to Y6
Children can enter the school from 8.35am. They need to be in their classroom and ready for registration at 8.45am.
Children should enter via their classroom door. The door will be closed and locked when registration begins at 8.45am. If your child is late, they should enter by the main entrance so that they can be marked present.
Children should be collected from school at 3.30pm on Monday to Thursday and 2.15pm on Friday (32.5 hours per week, excluding before and after school activities). Parents and carers should collect children from the classroom door.
Lunchtime for Y1 to Y3 is 11.45am to 12.30pm
Lunchtime for Y4 to Y6 is 12.30pm to 1.15pm
Children in Reception to Y6 can be booked into Breakfast Club can be dropped off from 7.30am to 8.45am.
Children in Reception to Y6 can be booked into After School Club can be collected from 3.30pm to 5.30pm.
Children should be dropped off and collected from the hall doors. Please ring the door bell on the playground gate in the car park, for a member of staff to let you in.
We run a varied range of free extra curricular activities. Staff responsible for each of these will be in touch with all children about how to sign up and give parents more details about start and finish times.