At Prince Bishops Community Primary School we understand the importance of transition for all pupils, particularly those with additional needs. We work closely with the local secondary schools to provide careful support and consistency as part of the transition process. We liaise with the secondary schools and where necessary provide extra visits for some pupils, often supported by one of the school's Learning Mentors. If a child has an Education Health Care Plan, secondary colleagues are invited to attend the child's annual review.
If a child who has SEND transfers to Prince Bishops Community Primary School every effort will be made to ensure their transition is as successful as possible. Depending of the needs of the child, this may include careful liaison with the previous school, a multi agency meeting, support from the Learning Mentor, transition visits for the child. Depending on the needs of the child a more bespoke package for transition maybe offered to ensure a successful transition.
At Prince Bishops, for transition between classes, children have the opportunity to visit their new class on a transition day in the summer term. Teachers also meet to share information about those children who require additional support and to share effective provisions.