Thank you so much to the 98 parents/carers who responded to our survey. Here are the results and a response to them.
My child is happy at this school.
Strongly Agree |
69% |
Agree |
29% |
Unsure |
1% |
Disagree |
1% |
Strongly Disagree |
0% |
It is very pleasing that most of our children are happy here. However, we believe that one unhappy child is one too many. Although we talk and respond to our children every day, we will also be giving them a survey over the next few weeks and any issues arising will be addressed immediately. Please always contact us if your child is not happy and we will help.
My child feels safe at this school
Strongly Agree |
70% |
Agree |
29% |
Unsure |
1% |
Disagree |
0% |
Strongly Disagree |
0% |
Safety is our first priority and we are very pleased that nobody said their children feels unsafe.
The school makes sure its pupils are well behaved
Strongly Agree |
48% |
Agree |
42% |
Unsure |
9% |
Disagree |
1% |
Strongly Disagree |
0% |
It is very pleasing that the huge majority of parents agree the school makes sure pupils are well behaved. It is essential that school is a calm and orderly environment and it is essential that we teach children to behave in line with our school values – Honesty, Ambition, Responsibility and Kindness. This year, three behaviour incidents have been logged and addressed. The leadership team and subject leaders visit lessons regularly and have noted that rare low-level disruption is never tolerated. We employ two learning mentors who are proactive in supporting children who have social and emotional needs and those who require more intensive support to behave positively. Prince Bishops is a very inclusive school and children who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and who sometimes require additional support to understand expectations are supported well. The school recently revised its behaviour policy and this can be found here: Behaviour Policy
My child has been bullied and the school dealt with the bullying quickly and effectively
My child has not been bullied |
90% |
Strongly Agree |
6% |
Agree |
4% |
Unsure |
1% |
Disagree |
1% |
Strongly Disagree |
0% |
It is positive that such a high proportion of respondents say that their child has never been bullied. The Anti-Bullying Alliance definition of bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group. If this happens, we take it very seriously and we are pleased that almost all of the parents who have had an issue have found that we deal with it quickly and effectively. Although it is a priority all year round, next half-term we will be giving anti-bullying a high profile during Anti-Bullying Week (14th November). Wellbeing Champions have also been given the important job of looking out for children who may worried about this or anything else and helping them to bring it to the attention of staff.
The school makes me aware of what my child will learn during the year
Strongly Agree |
45% |
Agree |
44% |
Unsure |
8% |
Disagree |
2% |
Strongly Disagree |
1% |
At the beginning of every term, your child’s class teacher sends out a newsletter that informs you what your child will be learning in every curriculum area in the upcoming term. They put this on the website just in case that paper copy gets lost. You can also get lots of other information on the school website. Very detailed information about English and Maths is there and your child’s class teacher has planned every foundation subject session by session. On the plans you can see exactly what your child will be learning in every lesson. If you would like to know about how a particular subject progresses all the way through school, you can also click on the subject to get that information. There is also other information that may help you understand what and how children will learn in school. For example, there are videos with our children demonstrating how they learn in phonics.
You will get another newsletter next term, telling you what will be coming up and you can follow this link to be taken to curriculum information across the year: Prince Bishops Curriculum
When I have raised concerns with the school they have been dealt with properly
I have not raised any concerns |
29% |
Strongly Agree |
28% |
Agree |
33% |
Unsure |
10% |
Disagree |
2% |
Strongly Disagree |
0% |
As much as we would love for there to be no concerns, the school understands that from time to time, there may be issues that you would like us the address. It is very important that we take your concerns seriously, look into them and address them appropriately. In order to help with this, we will be establishing a Parents Reference Group after half term. This will be an opportunity for the school to consult with parents on the decisions we take and also give you the opportunity to discuss any issues that you feel are important. Of course, if you have any concerns, please do bring them to our attention at any time. In the first instance, you can talk to your child’s teacher and if you are unhappy with their response, please contact Miss Richardson (Assistant Headteacher), Mrs Patchett (Deputy Headteacher) or Mrs George (Headteacher). The complaints procedure can be found here: Complaints Procedure
Does your child have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)?
Yes – 8% No – 92%
If you answered 'yes' to the last question, please indicate how strongly you agree with this statement: 'My child has SEND, and the school gives them the support they need to succeed.'
Strongly Agree |
50% |
Agree |
34% |
Unsure |
16% |
Disagree |
0% |
Strongly Disagree |
0% |
We are thrilled that so many of our parents of children with SEND feel we give their children the support they need to succeed. For those of you who are unsure, we hope the parent consultation with your child’s class teacher next week will help. We also hold drop-in afternoons every term for parents of children with SEND in addition to review meetings. The SENDCo is the deputy headteacher, Mrs Patchett, so please do not hesitate to get in touch with her if you need help. Useful information can be found here: SEND
The school has high expectations for my child
Strongly Agree |
40% |
Agree |
40% |
Unsure |
20% |
Disagree |
0% |
Strongly Disagree |
0% |
We do! We are passionate about our children aiming high so that whatever they want to do, every door is open to them.
My child does well at this school
Strongly Agree |
50% |
Agree |
40% |
Unsure |
10% |
Disagree |
0% |
Strongly Disagree |
0% |
We agree and we are very proud of what children at Prince Bishops achieve. For those of you who are unsure, we will ensure that you have a good understanding of how well your children are doing during the parent consultations next week.
The school lets me know how my child is doing
Strongly Agree |
50% |
Agree |
34% |
Unsure |
8% |
Disagree |
7% |
Strongly Disagree |
1% |
Although we will always make ourselves available to parents who wish to discuss how their child is doing, the formal mechanisms we have in place are the parent consultation meetings in the Autumn and Spring terms and then a written report in the summer term. If you still feel that you do not know how your child is doing after your meeting with your child’s class teacher next week, please contact Mrs George and she will ensure you receive the information you need.
There is a good range of subjects available to my child at this school
Strongly Agree |
48% |
Agree |
40% |
Unsure |
12% |
Disagree |
0% |
Strongly Disagree |
0% |
Currently, the subjects we teach in Nursery and Reception (Early Years) are Communication and Language Development, Physical Development, Personal, Social, and Emotional Development, Literacy Development, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. Information can be found here: EYFS Curriculum
In Year 1 – 6, the subjects we teach are English (speaking and listening, reading and writing), Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, Computing, Music, Art and Design, Design and Technology, Music, Physical Education, Religious Education, Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education, Relationships and Health Education and French. Information can be found here: Curriculum
Question 15 - My child can take part in clubs and activities at this school
Strongly Agree |
48% |
Agree |
31% |
Unsure |
21% |
Disagree |
0% |
Strongly Disagree |
0% |
We are delighted to have returned to a full and varied range of extracurricular activities, following the restrictions of the pandemic. We are adding more all the time and we aim for every child to be able to access something that interests them.
Question 16 – I would recommend this school to another parent
Yes – 99% No – 1%
We are very grateful that the huge majority of you would recommend the school. Inevitably, however, we do still worry about the one person who said no but we hope that this survey will help us to identify keys areas in which we can improve. The suggestions given in the free text at the end of the survey have been particularly useful and we hope you will recognise them being addressed over the coming year.
Thank you very much for everyone who gave their time to complete our survey.