When we design and review our curriculum, we look to answer; what do we teach, when do we teach it and why? Our curriculum needs to address our values, aims and purposes and we seek to meet the needs and interests of our children through an ambitious, broad, balanced, relevant and engaging curriculum. Crucially, children must be able to recall the most important aspects of our curriculum in the long term.
For children to leave Prince Bishops as happy, confident children who make a positive contribution to their local, national and international community and who are exceptionally well prepared for the next phase in their education.
The core values that drive our work are:
- Honesty
- Ambition
- Responsibility
- Kindness
Education at Prince Bishops is a route to:
- equality of opportunity
- personal and social well being
- valuing ourselves, our families and other relationships, the diversity in our society and the environment in which we live
- a commitment to the virtues of truth, justice, honesty and trust
- future economic well being
- being prepared for economic, social, cultural and technological change
- we comply with our statutory duty to teach the National Curriculum.
- additional aspects aim to meet the specific needs of our learners.
- the content and context for learning is relevant and engaging.
- cultural capital is developed through memorable experiences, vocabulary extension and links between subjects.
- due regard has been given to Cognitive Load Theory; we have sequenced learning so that it builds on prior knowledge and contributes towards long term retention.
- children have regular opportunities to revisit, revise and recall the most important aspects of our curriculum.
- children with SEND have the same learning objectives but will be provided with the appropriate support to achieve them. Teachers will adapt teaching strategies and aids so that children are able to be successful but also develop their fluency and independence.
- Children with other barriers to their learning (e.g attendance) are supported and given opportunities to catch up through revisiting, revising and addressing gaps.
In this section of our website, there are class pages that contain the curriculum maps for that particular year group and also pages that give a whole school overview in each subject. The subject pages demonstrate how the curriculum has been sequenced from entry into the school and how knowledge builds cumulatively towards ambitious end points. The class pages demonstrate how each area of the curriculum has been sequenced across the year and will help parents understand what will be taught and when.