Home Page

Year 2

We are delighted to welcome you to our class page. Here you will find out what the children have been learning in school and see examples of their work. Also on our page there will be information on the Year 2 curriculum and links to other websites to support your child's learning. We hope you enjoy looking at our page.


Staff in Year 2

Miss Richardson -  Class teacher    

Mrs MacKay - HLTA

Mrs Cummings - Teaching Assistant 



Important Information

The School Day

  • Children should arrive between 8:35 and 8:45 when registers will be taken promptly. If your child arrives after this time, they should enter via the main school office.
  • School finishes at 3:30pm Monday to Thursday and 2:15pm on a Friday.
  • Children wishing to be provided with a light snack at morning break should bring 50p to school every Monday.



Reading underpins every aspect of learning and, for your child to make progress, it is essential that they read their school reading book every day.  Children in Year 2 progress from RWI books to Accelerated Reader books where they can complete quizzes on the book they have read. Please sign their reading record to let us know that they have practised their reading at home and ensure they bring it to school every day (with their reading book) to be checked by an adult. When your child has filled a reading record, they must give it to their teacher who will then confirm that they can come to school in non-uniform. They will also receive a new reading record in a different colour. When all coloured reading records have been completed, children will be given a special reward from Mrs George. If your child loses their reading record, they will have to start that colour again from the beginning.





The Year 2 curriculum can be found here: YEAR TWO CURRICULUM




The children have enjoyed using these games to improve their recall of basic skills. 


Number bonds to 10 and 20 -

Number bonds to 10 and 20 -

Place value of numbers to 100 -

Place value of numbers to 100 -

Ordering numbers to 100 -





RE - Special Books

The children have been learning about special religious books in RE and enjoyed reading stories from the Bible. 
