Mrs Ward is the Year 5 teacher with Miss Taylor teaching on a Monday afternoon.
Important Information
The School Day:
School reading books need to be read daily and the reading record signed by an adult. They will be checked every morning at school. If children wish to complete reading quizzes at home they can do so by accessing Accelerated Reader online.
Children bring home their green spelling log book each day. In this book, they record spellings which they have been finding challenging at school. Please support your child in practising these spellings until they feel confident. Once they can spell a word, adults are asked to initial it in their log books to indicate that children can now spell it.
Children are expected to practise their times tables by accessing Times Table Rockstars.
Children will be set Maths homework tasks on Mathletics each Monday. These tasks will consolidate their learning from the previous week and must be completed by the following Monday when new tasks will be set.
Your child has been sent home their login details for each of these online learning tools. If they have lost or misplaced them, please inform a member of staff immediately so we can replace them. They can access the activities by following the links below.
You can find the Y5 curriculum here: YEAR FIVE CURRICULUM
Share our learning journey so far...
Academic Year 2023-2024
Whole Class Reading Book:
Whole Class Reading
Our new class novel follows a journey of self-discovery (and a crazy, colourful adventure to London) for the main character, Archie, and his two best friends on their quest to try and fix Archie's family. It celebrates diversity and friendship at their very best.
To hear the author introduce the story and read the first chapter, watch the YouTube video below:
International Christmas Tree
We were delighted to explore the international tree decorations that children from Italy, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, France, Romania, Greece, Germany and Belgium had made and sent to Prince Bishops. Once the tree was decorated, we were fascinated to read the cards and information the schools had sent about their home countries and Christmas traditions.
We explored tension and extension, counter balances and travels.
Digital Literacy
After reading The Dam by David Almond, children were fascinated to learn that the story of Kielder Water was true. They conducted research into how the dam and reservoir came into being and also found out what it is like now by visiting the official website. Using their research and computing skills, they created information texts about Kielder Water in the form of a travel brochure.
Which text would convince you to take a visit...?
Tynemouth Aquarium Visit
In order to develop our awareness of ecological issues - particularly linked to the impact of plastic upon the environment and marine life - we visited Tynemouth Aquarium. We took part in a workshop where we found out about microplastics and their role in pollution and we learnt how to tell if a plastic is recyclable or not. We explored the marine life within the aquarium and then took a trip across the road to the beach where we conducted a litter survey. We had a WHALE of a time (no pun intended...)!
During PE lessons we have had great fun using rock, paper, scissors warm-up and throwing techniques!
Our English Text
This term, our English text is The Dam by David Almond.
The children were fascinated by the time capsule that Mrs Myers found at Kielder Water. Upon opening it, we discovered some mysterious, old photographs, some sheet music and a letter...
This led us to reading The Dam which is a beautifully illustrated picture book, based around the history of Kielder.