Welcome to Year 3's class page. Here you will find lots of information about what the children are learning about at school. You will also see examples of their fabulous work and pictures of interesting activities the children complete.
Staff in Year 3
Mrs Freeman - Teacher
Mrs Hedley - Teaching Assistant
Miss George - Teaching Assistant
Important Information
The School Day:
School reading books need to be read daily and the reading record signed by an adult. They will be checked every morning at school. If children wish to complete reading quizzes at home they can do so by accessing Accelerated Reader online.
Children bring home their blue spelling log book each day. In this book, they record spellings which they have been finding challenging at school. Please support your child in practising these spellings. Once they can spell a word, adults are asked to initial it in their log books to indicate that children can now spell it.
Children are expected to practise their times tables daily by accessing TimesTableRockstars.
Children will be set Maths homework tasks on Mathletics.
Your child has been sent home their login details for each of these online learning tools. They can access the activities by following the links below.
Find the Y3 curriculum here: YEAR THREE CURRICULUM